Find here all the evaluations of our work.
- Meta-report, mid-term evaluation VIA Don Bosco, 2019
- Rapport pays République démocratique du Congo, mid-term evaluation, 2019
- Country report Mali, mid-term evaluation VIA Don Bosco, 2019
- Country report Cameroon, mid-term evaluation VIA Don Bosco, 2019
- Country report Ecuador, mid-term evaluation VIA Don Bosco, 2019
- Country report Perú, mid-term evaluation VIA Don Bosco, 2019
- VIA Don Bosco management response letter, mid-term evaluation, 2019
- Tussentijdse evaluatie wereldburgerschapseducatie, 2019
- VIA Don Bosco management response letter
- Meta-report final evaluation programme VIA Don Bosco, 2017-2021
- Annexes meta-report final evaluation VIA Don Bosco programme, 2017-2021
- VIA Don Bosco management response to the final evaluation, 2017-2021
- Eindevaluatie wereldburgerschapseducatie, 2022
- Réponse managériale de VIA Don Bosco à l’évaluation externe finale, 2017-2021
- Verloningsbeleid VIA Don Bosco